2016 ROCC Events
- January 21 - ROCC General Membership Meeting, 7:00 pm at the Ridgway Community Center, Refreshments - 6:45
- January 25 - ROCC Clean Energy Committee Meeting, 9:00 am. Interested in attending? Call 626-4194 or reply to this email.
- January 25 - Affordable Housing Committee meeting, 3:00 pm, United Church of the San Juans
- January 30 - Grassroots Leadership & Action Training, 9:00 to 5:00 Delta - Click here for more information
- February 20 - Spaghetti Dinner - Guest speaker is Dr. Kristen Averyt from CU Boulder. As the staff scientist for Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, she was one of the many scientists who received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.
- February 25 - Talk 7:30 (doors open at 7:00)- Exploring Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the US - What are realistic pathways to a US economy that produces much less CO2 & prevents a 2C temp rise. Presenters: Ryan Jones, Ben Haley Link to their US study at: Policy Implications of Deep Decarbonization in the United States
- March 17 - ROCC Meeting, Community Center 7:00 (refreshments at 6:45)
- April 21 - ROCC Talk - San Miguel Power Association Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programs. Community Center 7:00 (doors open at 6:45)
- May 19 - ROCC Meeting, Community Center 7:00 (refreshments at 6:45)
- May 21 - ROCC Parking Lot Sale, 8:00 am, Ridgway 4-H Center
- June 22 - ROCC Talk -Bees' Needs and How You Can Help with Tina Sebestyen, Four Corners Bee Association (Wednesday), Ridgway Town Hall, 7:00pm.
- July 20 - ROCC Meeting, Community Center 7:00 (refreshments at 6:45) (Note - on Wednesday)
- August 18 - ROCC Talk - A history of mining (& 4-wheeling) on the Ouray County Jeep Roads with Don Paulson Wright Opera House 7:00
- September 15 - ROCC Meeting, Community Center 7:00 (refreshments at 6:45)
- October 20 - ROCC Talk - Telling Stories from the Inside Out with Kyle Rasmussen, BlueShoe Media, Ridgway Town Hall, 7:00pm
- December 2 - ROCC Annual Potluck Meeting, Church of the San Juans. Potluck begins at 5:30 pm and the annual meeting will begin around 6:15 or 6:30. Bring a dish to share & your own plates and utensils. Please no alcohol.