ROCC Accomplishments
ROCC Accomplishments 2019
Clean Energy
- Proposed and advocated for San Miguel Power Association’s (SMPA) new voluntary “Totally Green” rates, providing an easy mechanism for customers to purchase power from 100% renewable sources.
- Worked closely with the Ouray BOCC to adopt the Colorado Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C‐PACE) program, a financing tool that allows commercial and multifamily property owners to finance qualifying energy efficiency, water conservation, and other clean energy improvements. Worked with local Chambers of Commerce and others to survey, then educate county business owners about the program.
- Worked with the Ridgway schools to develop and implement a high school elective course on renewable/solar energy. Contributed funds to help train the involved teacher.
- ROCC members track the electricity use of Ridgway’s Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station and donate appropriate funds to the SMPA Green Fund to assure all Ridgway EV charges use 100% renewable energy. (In 2018, ROCC wrote the grant to fund the station.)
- Following the ROCC sponsored and led 2017 installation of LED lights in both Ridgway schools, work with the Ridgway schools to track energy use and savings. The project is saving the schools >$15,000 each year.
- Proposed to the Ridgway School Board that the Ridgway Secondary School pursue solar panel funding and installation, presenting costs and benefits. The school staff are moving forward in evaluating and pursuing this goal.
- For a 5th year in a row, coordinated and provided volunteer staff to collect recycling and composting at the Ridgway summer concert series. Stored and transported the compost to the Delta facility, paying the associated fees.
- Conducted spring and fall roadside trash pick‐up on a 2 mile section of Hwy 550.
- Championed preservation of the night sky in Ridgway and the Town’s pursuit of International Dark Sky Accreditation (IDA). Guided a revision of the Town’s Outdoor Lighting Regulations, held two star parties and several dark sky presentations, took monthly sky illumination measurements, and continue work toward IDA Certification.
- Donated over $2,000, helping fund the installation of musical instruments in our Town park in honor of late ROCC member Chris Pike.
- Provided Grants to local non‐profits: the Uncompaghre Watershed Partnership, the Ridgway Community Garden, the Voyager Youth Program, and the Bag It effort to remove/recycle plastic bags.
- Fighting to prevent inappropriate development in the high alpine (battle ongoing)
- Advocating to keep public access to CR5 for cross‐country skiing (ongoing)
- Advocating for passage of the CORE Act protecting wilderness in our area
- Advocating against economic unfairness in the criminal justice system
- Advocating for affordable housing in Ouray County. Raised community awareness by organizing public forums on local housing needs.
ROCC Accomplishments 2018
- ROCC's Clean Energy Committee organized the placement LEDs in Ridgway Schools by partnering with SMPA and local community members
- One year data for the combined Ridgway schools:
- 17.7% reduction in power bills ➡ saved $16,500 (per year)
- 19.3% reduction in electricity used
- One year data for the combined Ridgway schools:
- Curbside Recycling - Instrumental in initiating curbside recycling in Ridgway
- ROCC helped organize the Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership (UWP)
- In 2015, ROCC members began a recycling/composting program for the summer Ridgway Concert Series. The program has continued successfully for three summers with bags of recyclable / compostable waste out-numbering bags of waste destined for the land-fill by 6 to 1.
- Uncompahgre Watershed Plan - Partnered with the Uncompahgre Valley Association (UVA), Friends of River Uncompahgre (FORU), Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership (UWP) and ROCC members to establish a comprehensive Uncompahgre Watershed planning initiative.
- ROCC networked with the Town of Ridgway, San Miguel Power and other concerned citizens to install an electric car charging station in Ridgway by Town Hall.
ROCC Accomplishments 2017
- ROCC partnered with Red Mountain Club and other local groups to form the coalition "Keep OURay Alpine Wild" which campaigned to protect the high alpine zone (above 9480 feet) in Ouray County from potentially rampant development on almost a thousand mining claims. Keep OURay Alpine Wild organized large numbers of citizens to testify at workshops and hearings. This resulted in the Ouray Board of County Commissioners voting unanimously to adopt a strong code that keeps residential density low and as unobtrusive as possible below tree line and prohibits it entirely in the tundra above tree line. The results of this campaign will protect our historic mining heritage, the beauty and ecosystems of our high alpine terrain, the Uncompahgre watershed and our tourist economy.
- Received State of Colorado Governor’s Award for Outstanding Efforts in Smart Growth and Development in 1998 for ROCC's series of growth forums
- Actively involved in creation of responsible federal lands management policies
- Worked on the creation of Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area
- Supported public acquisition of mining properties and preservation of historic structures
- Fought to preserve ranching-friendly zoning
- Ridgway's curb-side residential & commercial recycling program began in 2003 after a ROCC educational campaign was successful in placing and passing a ballot initiative. In 2015, ROCC members began a recycling/composting program for the summer Ridgway Concert Series, educating concert goers about recycling / composting and helping them sort their waste into appropriate barrels. The Town's Mayor promotes the program and provides additional education before the start of each concert. The program has continued successfully for three summers with bags of recyclable / compostable waste out-numbering bags of waste destined for the land-fill by 6 to 1.
- Spearheaded a movement that promotes the expansion of the Mount Sneffels Wilderness Area
- Helped preserve the Dallas trail for non-motorized use by coordinating a coalition of involved parties in revisions to the Forest Service management plan
- Partnered in the creation of a watershed plan for the Uncompahgre River Basin and helped organize the Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership (UWP)
- Spearheaded the Ouray County Dark Sky Ordinance to reduce light pollution
- Promoted Colorado's new air pollution rules for the oil and gas industry
- ROCC launched an ultimately successful two-year campaign resulting in Ouray County approving oil and gas regulations for its Land Use Code in early 2007.
ROCC Accomplishments & Initiatives
- Continued to support strong regulations for development in the high county of Ouray County. Keep OURay Wild!
- ROCC's Clean Energy Committee continued to work with the schools in reducing energy usage. In 2017, this committee's work reduced the Ridgway School District electricity usage by 19.3% saving the district $16,500 a year.
- ROCC's Clean Energy Committee helped get an electric vehicle charging station installed in Ridgway near Town Hall. EV drivers can now charge their vehicle in Ridgway.
- ROCC continued recycling at the summer concerts and found the community to be very supportive of this effort.
- ROCC members wrote a grant to help the town of Ridgway purchase bear proof garbage containers.
- ROCC initiatives included:
- advocating for local and county governments to address the growing crisis in affordable housing in our county.
- the Clean Energy Committee's initiative for Ouray County to move toward a “green” energy future.
- Educational ROCC Talks featured experts and leaders from throughout Colorado.
- ROCC Spring Parking Lot Sale.
- A very successful ROCC Spaghetti Dinner with Art Goodtimes as the guest speaker.
ROCC Accomplishments & Initiatives 2016
- Support of strong regulations for development in the high country of Ouray County.
- A very active participant in the Keep OURay Alpine Wild. Keep OURay Alpine Wild was an extensive campaign of letter writing and public comments at hearings that resulted in the Board of County Commissioners voting unanimously to strongly regulate development in the alpine zone. This campaign was a huge success and a testimony to the power of the kind of grassroots civic engagement that ROCC has promoted for the past 23 years in our community.
- ROCC's Clean Energy Committee spearheaded the conversion from florescent to LED lights in the Ridgway Schools. ROCC also contributed $5000 and some volunteer labor toward this effort. This conversion to LED lights is saving the Ridgway School District $1200 a month.
- ROCC is responsible for the recycling at the summer concerts and has found the community to be very supportive of this effort.
- The County Commissioner Candidate Forum in Ridgway was sponsored by ROCC and yet another illustration that civic engagement is the core of our organizational DNA.
- ROCC sponsored an Affordable Housing Forum that resulted in a great conversation between the public and our elected officials on this issue.
- ROCC initiatives include:
- advocating for local and county governments to address the growing crisis in affordable housing in our county.
- the Clean Energy Committee's initiative for Ouray County to move toward a “green” energy future.
- Educational ROCC Talks featuring experts and leaders from throughout Colorado
- ROCC Spring Parking Lot Sale