Membership in ROCC includes membership in Western Colorado Alliance (WCA) as well as Western Organization of Resource Councils (WORC). WORC focuses on western US issues and WCA focuses on Colorado and West Slope issues while ROCC focuses on Ouray County area issues.
Western Colorado Alliance (WCA)- a grassroots alliance of four western slope community groups. In the late 1970s, local citizens groups sprouted across the Western Slope of Colorado in response to threats to their local communities – coal and molybdenum mining, oil shale development, and plans for powerlines were a few of the concerns. As the scope of their concerns broadened, members of these local community groups decided to band together to create a unified regional citizens voice. From these groups and their members, the Western Colorado Congress regional organization was formed in 1980. For more info on WCA go to the WCA website.
Western Organization of Resource Councils (WORC) - a seven-state coalition of regional and community organizations. WORC is a western US regional network of grassroots community organizations that include 12,200 members and 39 local chapters. WORC helps its member groups succeed by providing training and coordinating issue work. WORC’s mission is to advance the vision of a democratic, sustainable, and just society through community action. WORC is committed to building sustainable environmental and economic communities that balance economic growth with the health of people and stewardship of their land, water, and air resources. Based in Billings, Montana, WORC has field offices in Montrose, Colorado, and Washington, D.C. For more information on WORC go to the WORC website.